Past Presentations and Classes

Lawthics: Law is Congealed Ethics
Bridging the Legal-Ethical Divide
First Universalist Church, Denver 2020

Blocking Subpoenas: Keep Clinicians Treating, Not Testifying
Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council, Annual Conference
Breckenridge, 2019

How to Stay Treating, Not Testifying
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program, UC 2019

Ethics in the Healthcare Professions
Inter-Pro Education & Development, UC 2019

Legal Fundamentals, Cross Examination (Several classes)
Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Programs

Legal Fundamentals, Cross Examination (Several classes)
Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Programs

Lawthics: Law is Congealed Ethics
UC School of Medicine, 2018

Neurological Impairments & Medical Decision Making
Panel Discussion, UC School of Medicine, 2018

Legal Update
Three Combined Forensic Programs Annual Meeting, 2017

Trying to subpoena a therapist? Good luck!”
Jefferson County CLE, 2017

Sources of Law: Annual Training for Evaluators of Competency to Proceed
Penrose House, Colorado Springs, 2017

Lawthics (part of CLE series on mental health)
CBA Auditorium, Denver 2017

Decision Making for Patients with Neurological Impairments
Panel Discussion
UC Medical School, Denver, 2017

Neurological Impairments and Medical Decision Making
Panel Discussion
UC Medical School, Denver, 2016

The Proposed Colorado Death with Dignity Act
University of Denver Sturm College of Law, 2015

Doctor, Will You Please Help Me Die? — Decisions at the End of Life
With Drs. Richard Martinez & Daniel Johnson
Advanced Elder Law Institute, Denver 2015

Lawthics: The Underpinnings of Hospital Ethics Consults
Swedish Medical Center, Denver, 2015

Hospital Ethics Consults Simulation
With Rev. David Kenney
Swedish Medical Center, Denver, 2015

Reconciling Advance Directives and Attempted Suicide
Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum, Denver 2014

Reconciling Advance Directives and Attempted Suicide
University of Colorado Hospital Ethics Committee, Denver 2014

Reconciling Advance Directives and Attempted Suicide
Medical Center of the Rockies, Loveland 2013

Palliative Care Ethics Consult
Kaiser Permanente, with Dr. Dan Johnson, Denver 2012

End of Life Ethical Dilemmas
Colorado School of Public Health, Denver 2012

Neurological Impairment and Medical Decisions
UC Medical School (panel discussion), Denver 2011

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
Integra Medical Center (for the Clinical Ethics Consultancy LLC), Denver 2011

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
The University Club, Denver 2011

Judicial Logic in Paradigm Cases
HealthOne Swedish Hospital (for the Clinical Ethics Consultancy LLC), Denver 2010

Ethics Consultation Vignettes
Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum, Denver, 2009

Judicial Logic in Paradigm Cases
Rose Hospital (for the Clinical Ethics Consultancy LLC), Denver 2009

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
Rose Hospital (for the Clinical Ethics Consultancy LLC), Denver 2009

Judicial Logic in Paradigm Cases
HealthOne Swedish Hospital (for the Clinical Ethics Consultancy LLC), Denver 2008

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
HealthOne Swedish Hospital (for the Clinical Ethics Consultancy LLC), Denver 2008

Ethical Decision Making: Application to Nursing
Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver 2008

Interprofessional Orientation,
For doctoral programs and Child Health Associates, UCDHSC (with Jason McCarl MD), Denver 2008

Sources of Law & Basic Court Procedures
UC Forensic Psychiatry Program, Denver 2008

How Advance Care Directives Work in Practice
University of Colorado School of Law (with attorney Susan Buchanan), Boulder 2008

Ethics Day,
Led class discussion, Kent Denver School, Englewood, Colorado 2008

Ethics in the Health Professions,
Co-Facilitator, UC (for doctoral programs and Child Health Associates, ten classes annually), Denver 2000 – 2008

Perspectives on the Terry Schiavo Case
UC Medical School (panel discussion), Denver 2007

Informed Consent for Second-Year Residents after a Surgical Rotation
UC (with William Pfeiffer MD & Richard Martinez MD), Denver 2007

Paradigmatic End of Life Cases
UC Forensic Psychiatry Program, Denver 2007

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
Health Law Section of the CBA, Denver 2007

Legislative Developments: End of Life Decision Making
UC Ethics Committee (monthly education presentation), Denver 2006

Perspectives on Schiavo
UC Medical School (panel discussion), Denver 2006

Legislative Developments
UC Ethics Committee, Denver 2006

Please Help Me Die: Ethics, Law and Assisted Suicide
UC Hospital-Wide Ethics Rounds (with David Bekelman MD), Denver 2006

Emergency Exception to Informed Consent
UC Ethics Committee, Denver 2006

Should an Infant Always be Revived, and Who Decides?
Denver Community Bioethics Committee (panel discussion), Denver 2005

Genes, Memes, or Laws Supreme?
Fourth National Forum on Perinatal-Neonatal Ethics Issues, Colorado Springs 2005

Advance Directives and Informed Consent
CBA Continuing Legal Education (CLE) (with Dan Johnson MD), University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Denver 2005

Medical Decision Making for the Mentally III Patient
University of Denver Sturm College of Law, CBA CLE (with Richard Martinez MD), Denver 2005

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
Boulder Community Hospital Ethics Committee, Boulder 2004

How are courts likely to react to genetic information?
In Biomedical Basics, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Denver 2004

Perspectives on the Terry Schiavo Case
UC Medical School (panel discussion), Denver 2004

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
Denver Community Bioethics Committee, Denver 2004

Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision-Making
UC, Denver 2004

Lawthics: Law as Congealed Ethics
Colorado Healthcare Ethics Forum, Denver 2004

Informed Consent
UCDHSC Grand Rounds, Denver 2003

Conscientious Objection and Religious Refusal
UC Dept. of Psychiatry, Denver 2004

Genes, Memes, or Laws Supreme — Genetics in the Courts
UC Dept. of Psychiatry, Denver 2003

Death and Dying
UC Dept. of Psychiatry, Denver 2003

Morality, Law and the Standard of Care
UC Dept. of Psychiatry (with attorney Greg Smith), Denver 2003

Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision-Making
UC, Denver 2003

Informed Consent for Second-Year Residents after a Surgical Rotation
UC (with William Pfeiffer MD & Richard Martinez MD), Denver 2003

Faiths in Health Care
Denver Community Bioethics Committee (panel discussion on the import of different faith traditions as regards medical care), Denver 2003

Advance Directives and Assisted Decision-Making
HealthOne Ethics Committee (with Mark Yarborough PhD), Denver 2002

Informed Consent
UC Grand Rounds, Denver 2002

Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision-Making
UC Grand Rounds, Denver 2002

Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision-Making
UC Dept. Psychiatry (with Richard Martinez MD), Denver 2002

Informed Consent for Second-Year Residents after a Surgical Rotation
UC (with William Pfeiffer MD & Richard Martinez MD), Denver 2000

Legal Dilemmas in Advance Directives
The University Club, Denver 1999

Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision-Making
UC (with John Armstrong MD), Denver 1999

Wrongful Birth: A Trial
A mock trial on genetics and the law, written and presented at The Given Institute, University of Colorado, Aspen, Colorado 1998

Advance Directives
UC, Denver (1998)

How are courts likely to react to genetic information?
Eleanor Roosevelt Institute Genome Roundtable, Denver 1995

Ethics, Genetics and the Future of Our Community
University of Denver, Denver 1995

Physicians’ Conscience Clause
Mercy Medical Center, Denver 1995

Law and Ethics
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Residency Program, Denver 1994

Mental Incapacity
Mercy Medical Center, Family Medicine Residency (panel discussion), Denver 1994

Advance Care Directives
A public forum at Rose Medical Center (with Fred Abrams MD), Denver 1994

Conscientious Objection and Religious Refusal
Medical Ethics Committee & Consult Service, Mercy Medical Center, Denver 1994

Advance Care Directives
House Staff Education, Medical Ethics Committee & Consult Service, Mercy Medical Center, Denver 1993

Access under the ADA
Consultant and expert witness for Kaplan & Nichols, Superior Court, Edgartown, Massachusetts 1997

Stair Geometry and Human Ergonomics
Consultant and expert witness for Smittkamp & Walters LLC, District Court, Boulder 1995 – 1996

Preservation and ADA Access Consultant
Molly Brown House, Historic Denver Inc. (with Jim Prochaska PE), Denver 1995

The Intersection between the ADA and Historic Buildings
U.S. Park Service Preservation Architects, Denver 1994

Historic Buildings Compliance with the ADA
Kramlich Andersen LLC, Denver 1994

Commercial Property Compliance with the ADA
Kramlich Andersen LLC, Denver 1994

Art Gallery Access and the ADA
LODO Art District Council, Denver 1994

Bankruptcy and Divorce
Real Law radio show with Dan Caplis, Denver 1994

We Can Survive the Nuclear Age (60 presentation & organizing meetings) and/or If You Love This Planet (movie and discussions)
Rochester Metro 1983 – 1984

Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Peace?
Call-in radio show on WHAM (with Prof. Nicholas Zumbulyadis), Rochester 1984

The Day After ‘The Day After’
Debate at Fairport H.S., Fairport, NY 198

The Utility of Nuclear Weapons
Greece Baptist Church (debate with Dr. John Bank), Rochester 1983

The Utility of Nuclear Weapons
The Harley School (debate with Prof. John Mueller), Rochester 1983

The Morality of Nuclear Weapons
St. Louis Catholic Church, Rochester 1983

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